A high-quality video does not necessarily mean added value for customers – it must also speak the language of the target group. A video production should therefore always be preceded by a detailed analysis, planning and consultation, and the type of implementation should be tailored to this. For video agencies, this increasingly means keeping an eye on the development of trends in order to be able to use new approaches and techniques at the cutting edge.

A Good Video Agency is Adaptable
Modern video formats, new trendy visual effects in social media or spectacular drone flights in image films: a video agency is always on the move. For them, it is important to recognize what is currently “fashionable” and to include these innovations in their repertoire for current work in order to be able to produce in line with the times. After all, companies want to address their target groups with the appropriate audiovisual language. However, each order is subject to different framework conditions and objectives, which require individual creative solutions. Thus, a video agency must always check which form of implementation is the most suitable. Not every video has to be young and dynamic, it can also have a conservative, old-fashioned look and feel if it fits the brand or target group. This always depends on the individual case.
Added Value Through Innovation or Inspiration
It is never wrong to learn from the “masters”. The wheel does not have to be reinvented all the time, nor can it be. However, it is all the more crucial for a video agency to play with the acquired know-how, to experiment and also to recombine, in order to finally be able to bring new approaches to light. Standing out from the competition and thus offering customers a clear competitive advantage is more important today than ever before. The market is changing at an increasingly rapid pace. So, regardless of the commissioned work, video agencies should monitor and analyze their competition so as not to miss out on new trends.

Today’s Video Agency is Responsive and Flexible via Remote
Communication has also changed. In addition to the traditional communication channels of e-mail, telephone and face-to-face meetings on site, there are now more and more online meetings via programs such as Zoom, Google Hangouts or Slack. For external service providers of video productions, customers are nowadays less and less within reach, but are often spread across the globe and can only be reached via remote communication channels. This is becoming increasingly popular with today’s businesses and has become the norm, not least since the Covid pandemic. It is therefore important to cover this area sufficiently and also to demonstrate good time management in order to clearly adhere to agreed deadlines and time slots, also because of the different time zones. Thanks to today’s communications technology, however, collaboration between clients and agencies can usually be very efficient and thus also save time and budget.
In addition to regular contract work, a video agency should always keep an eye on current developments in the field of audiovisual communication in order to keep up with the times and thus remain competitive. At the same time, it is important to stand out from the competition with innovative ideas.
You would like to have a video produced close to the pulse of today and are looking for the right video agency? We would be happy to take care of your request. As a full-service company, we create and market videos, always keeping an eye on the trends. We are happy to accompany you in all relevant phases – from conception and production to successful placement.
Feel free to contact us.