Creating a high-quality film / video quickly becomes a complex undertaking. The production process of a film is usually divided into three phases: Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. In Pre-Production, the development of the plot (ideas/concept, script) takes place. This production phase should be given sufficient time and attention, because the script forms the foundation for all further steps. Here, emphasis should be placed on a close exchange with the client and careful joint elaboration in order to best meet the objective.
Once the final version of the script is available, all planning and organizational questions can be asked and answered, and shooting locations and equipment can be planned and rented. The production includes the complete shooting period, i.e. the directing, camera, sound and lighting work on the set. The post-production phase, which follows the completion of filming, includes editing and digital post-production (i.e. Motion-Design) to the finished product. In this phase, the film is audiovisually optimized, graphic and auditory elements and effects are added and the film is given the final look and feel.
For a film production company in Berlin, but also in other cultural spheres, it is essential to involve the client in the whole production process and to respond to his wishes. Because: If the client is not an expert in the field of filmmaking, he should of course still be involved in the project in a leading role. This ensures that the end result corresponds to the client’s vision and fulfills the specified goal.

Checkliste for Clients
- What type of film/video?
- Duration of the medium?
- What content, what story? Is there already a script? If not, who should develop it?
- Any sound/video material already available?
- If necessary, tell story via actors, voiceover or typographically?
- Produce audio and text in which language?
- Should music be used?
- Which video/audio format is desired or required?
- Who is the video addressed to / who is the target audience?
- Is there a specific production timeframe?
- Do you want specific actors?
- Specific locations desired?
- What budget is planned?
- Is there a deadline / by when must the production be completed?
Checklist for Film Production Companies
(List varies depending on the size of the production)
Pre Production:
- Finalize screenplay / script (script lock)
- Plan film budget
- Assemble crew
- Split script logically (Script Breakdown)
- Storyboarding (Visual Script)
- Identify locations (Location Scouting)
- Book Actors / Voice Actors
- Brief art department (if production/location requires it)
- Finalize contracts and legal issues
- Develop shooting schedule
- Booking of Crew on the basis of the shooting schedule
- Create shot list
- Visit locations (Tech Scout)
- Rent equipment
Production / Shoot:
- Shooting disposition (Call Sheet) to Cast & Crew
- Pick up filming equipment
- On location briefing Cast & Crew
- Organizational and technical arrangements between director, camera, sound and, if necessary, other departments
- Technical set-up under instruction of the camera operator / DoP (Director of Photography)
- Test runs and technical check
- Start of shooting according to schedule incl. breaks
- Possible change of location and additional scenes
- Disassembly and de-briefing Cast & Crew
- Return of equipment
Post Production:
- Organizational arrangements between direction, camera, editing and sound departments
- Ingest of the produced material and proofing
- If necessary, preparation of Dailies (previews of the previous day’s production, for assessment and also as backup for correction on set)
- Production of an audiovisual rough cut (first rough cut)
- Feedback & revision of the cut in direct coordination with the director, editor or the client, respectively
- Color Correction color grading (color style)
- Sound Correction and Sound Design incl. initial Sound Mixing
- Creation and integration of VFX (visual effects) if required
- Finalization of the Edit (Picture Lock)
- Finalization of Grading, VFX, Sound Design and Sound Mixing
- Playout

Film Production Companies must have a holistic view
A film production company should always have a comprehensive understanding of all three phases of film production and think about the entire production process. In this respect, each of its departments (e.g. concept, camera, direction) should be equipped with experienced professionals who have sound know-how, are in constant exchange with each other and can also think across departments. For example, elements that will only come into play in post-production should already be included in the script and communicated to the crew on set, so that the shots desired for post-production can be worked out perfectly there. Communication and cooperation are more than in demand here, and a good film production company should always have this interaction in mind as a supervisor in order to ensure a smooth production and create a final product of the best possible quality.
As a Film Production Company in Berlin & Potsdam we gladly support you in all phases
As a film production company Berlin, we offer you the expertise and the necessary foresight for your successful film production. Each of our team members is an expert in their field and has been part of a well-coordinated team for years. Are you looking for a suitable film company for your project? Contact us – we are gladly here for you!